Now, see God

Have you ever lost your sense of direction?  You look at the car’s compass and it says North, but you FEEL like you are going West.  Eventually, you will see a landmark that makes your whole world spin and your feeling is in line with truth.   

When life is uncertain, all of us will wonder if God is really paying attention to what is happening.  “Do you SEE us, God?” I don’t think this is questioning our faith, but rather just wondering if the unseen God really sees us.  Hagar was a woman without choices.  She was a slave that had been given to Abram by Sarai in hopes she would get pregnant.  When she conceived, her life got worse. In fact, her life was so bad that she decided to leave.  She was pregnant and a runaway slave with no protection from anyone, but that was the better choice in her mind than to stay with Abram and Sarai.  I can’t imagine how bad things were for prostitution, criminal charges, and probably still slavery to be the better option.

Hagar fled to the wilderness where nothing was familiar or safe.  The angel of the Lord met her at a source of living water in the unknown of the wilderness. He came to her and told her that the Lord had heard her cry.  Hagar then does something no one else in all of scripture does; she gives God a name.  She said, “You are El-roi,” for she said, “In this place, have I actually seen the one who sees me?”

I was praying for some women one morning and asking God to SEE them and all that they carry on their hearts.  I heard Him answer me, “Oh course I see them, I AM God.  Now, you see me.”  And that is when my directions spun around to true north.  How could God not see us?  He knows the number of hairs on our head and I’m asking Him to see me and those I love?  Hagar realized this and says, “have I actually seen the one who sees me?” She knew and she saw God. His position never changes, it’s always right with me, I just need to learn to see Him and His provision. 

I have used this passage many times to reassure myself and others, that we serve a God who SEES us in our wilderness.   Like now.  I encourage you to see God, see what He is doing in spite of a virus.  See what God is doing in the midst of pain or fear or trauma in your life.  He is there.  He SEES your pain and fear….now, you need to SEE Him.

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